Blogger Layouts

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pictures for Grandma Norea

Last weekend, Tripp and I headed out to the park to take pictures for Grandma and Grandpa in Libya.  Tripp was quite handsome, as always.  See?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Walker fun!

On to the walker, where I got this silly face...

And this one!  Adorable, of course!

I'm so glad Tripp is such a happy baby!

It makes my job a LOT easier!

Obviously, Tripp has yummy thumbs!

And fingers!

This is the reaction when I cross my eyes...I do it a lot, so I get to see two sweet, smiling faces!

Silly boy!

Still giggling...

Making this little boy smile is my favorite pastime, ever!  Tripp, thanks for letting me be your Mom!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A day with Tripp

As you probably know, I've been back at work for a little over two months, and spending most of my awake time there (or cleaning house or running errands), so my quality time with Tripp (as well as my natural sunlight for pictures) has been extremely limited.  Today, after seven straight days of working (blah!), I finally got some time to spend with my man!  And not only that, but he slept almost to 7, and then napped from 9 until 11!

Needless to say, today's been a GREAT day!  Here's some of our fun!

This is how we started...

a few seconds later...

a few seconds more...

Yesterday, I picked up this crawl and move ball.

It's for six months and up, but since Tripp's so advanced, I said what the heck, I'll get it.

Tripp obviously approves the purchase!

Hey!  Come back here, you!

I love how this toy keeps his attention...24 hours strong so far!

If you look closely in the back, you'll see chunky butt has now moved up to size 3 Pampers.  I thought this was awesome (he's a growing boy!) until I realized fewer come in the box at the same price.  I feel thoroughly ripped off.

As always, just a handsome man!

Isn't this the sweetest smile ever?

More fun to come!