Blogger Layouts

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Happy to be home!

Thursday and Friday, Tripp stayed with a friend while I did a little work.  I know my big boy is growing up, but I was NOT ready to leave him yet!  It was a real relief that Tripp didn't hold my absence against me.  Play time was even more precious because of it!

Tripp actually gave a real giggle!  Up until now, his laughing has been a sort of hiccup/heavy breathing sound combined.

It felt so great to get these smiles out of my little man!

Tripp's begun his talking back phase early...

It must have gotten really weird around here!

This little stinker is too strong!  He now pushes himself all the way to the top of his bouncer.  I'm a little worried that we'll soon have to delete this from his toy collection.

Oh, Tripp!  You're so silly!

I actually am starting to see a little bit of me in there. It's about time!

If I have to return to work to provide for Tripp, I will without hesitation...but it's so hard to leave this sweet little guy behind!  I wish I could keep him with me every moment!

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