Blogger Layouts

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Another day...

more play!  Here's Tripp enjoying himself...

Tripp is already a master at hogging all the toys for himself.  I pity the children who have to play with him down the road.

See?  He's trying to get every single one in his mouth at once!

After a wardrobe malfunction, it was back to the same old thing.

Those colored chain links can get really frustrating!

But it's okay, two seconds later, and he was happy as can be!  Mainly because I made some silly voices.

Haha, Momma!

You're so silly!

So sweet!

Wouldn't you love to have this guy around all the time?  I do!

I love this picture!  He's such a little flirt!

And we were so happy by the end of our walker session, that we just had to throw our heads back and give a good old belly laugh!

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