Blogger Layouts

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This is who we are...

The best way to begin anything is to not think about it and just dive right in.   No checking the water, and no second thoughts.  It's the way I live my life, and though it never makes things easy per say, it definitely keeps it interesting.  So, here goes.  I am Sarah, raised in small-town Louisiana, and my husband is Zack, hailing from Tripoli, Libya.  (Unsure of where Libya is?  It's an Arabic country in north Africa, to the left of Egypt.)  Zack and I met in New Orleans, though I'll leave out the details of our meeting and courtship here.  Suffice it to say, we both dove in head-first, and thank goodness for that!  We met in February, 2009, married in August, 2009, and have been happy since (when one or the other is not being stubborn and/or annoying, of course.)  Our first year of marriage has been wonderful, though immigration requirements did place us under some strain.  However, we were successful in gaining Zack's resident status, meaning big changes for us!  The first, and biggest result, is our upcoming trip to Tripoli to meet the in-laws.  This blog is for all of our loved ones state-side, to see the world through our eyes and to experience our lives with us. 

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