Blogger Layouts

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Express Yourself

Tripp has made some of the funniest faces since the day he was born, but lately he's had a little more control over them.  Yesterday and today, Tripp has been extremely happy while we've been playing, and today, I decided to take a few pictures to show off that baby boy.  The results were quite comical...

Tripp started out the shoot looking handsome, as always.

Then, he decided to try out his big, open-mouth smile...

It took a while of debating...

To decide on his next look...wonderment.

Tripp finds himself hilarious.

Still giggling.

Another pause to decide what's up next...

Eyebrow raise.  Definitely the eyebrow raise.

We're so funny!

Tuckered out from looking so good.

But still happy to oblige the camera.

"Oh, are you still here?"

I call this one...."confusion".  It's a pretty common theme in this family.

A kid grows in some eyebrows, he's gotta try 'em out.

There's not even words for how funny this one is.  Seriously.  This kid's a comedian.

Love that little funny face!


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