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Monday, November 21, 2011

Ready or not, here comes Tripp!

As everyone knows, for the past nine and a half months, I've been carrying around precious cargo.  There have been a lot of unique challenges throughout the pregnancy, though my pregnancy itself was quite morning sickness, no cravings, no real side effects other than vivid dreams (which I liked), the worst charlie horse ever imagined (which I did not like) and just general discomfort for the last two months.

The major challenge facing Zack and I was the situation in Libya.  Zack felt that it was his responsibility to go home and try to help his family in any way that he could, because his father and brother were out of the country and his uncles were assisting in the rebellion against Qadaffi.  I had really mixed emotions on his visit home, but this is part of the reason I married is the most important thing to Zack.  So, on September 27th, Zack got on a plane headed for Tunisia, and I went home and quietly cried.  It's scary when the person you love walks directly into the fire.

The next two and a half weeks seemed never-ending.  First of all, I was just all-around uncomfortable.  Secondly, I didn't have the comfort of my husband, and I faced the fear that I would go into labor without him.  I couldn't wait to meet Tripp, but I was determined that Daddy would be at the birth of his son!  Thankfully, I was able to keep in touch with Zack through Skype.  There were days that he sounded strained and exhausted (and I would find out later that he was) and this just increased the fear.  What was really going on over there??

After lots of prayers and reading the Bible, October 13th rolled around...and Zack was coming home.  His journey was quite interesting, and worth hearing about, but you'll have to ask him.  As Zack stepped out of luggage claim, we caught sight of each other at the same time, and it was just amazing...utter relief, happiness, love, all at once.

We made it home and spent the evening just enjoying each other's company and catching up on our sleep.  Or, Zack spent the evening catching up on his sleep.  I, for some reason, couldn't sleep.  At all.  There was no discomfort or anything of that nature;  I just couldn't sleep.  And then, at 6 AM, my water broke.  The problem there was, I didn't really know because it was nothing like the movies.  I was in bed when it happened, but actually got up and went to the bathroom.  The only way I can describe it is, I didn't have to pee, but when I sat down, a ton of "pee" (or what I thought was pee) came out.  Then, every few minutes or so, a little water would come out.

By this time, Zack was starting to wake up.  I didn't want to panic him, and I wasn't in any pain, so I told him that I thought I would need to go to the hospital later on, but there was no hurry.  I called in to work and waited until someone answered the phone at my doctor's office (9:15...what kind of business hours are those?).  After describing what had happened to the nurse, she told me to go directly to the hospital.  But, I had my own plans!  So, I showered, got dressed, and went with Zack for breakfast at McDonald's.  Luckily, the night before I had (almost) finished packing for the hospital, so that didn't take up too much time.  Everything was going so smoothly that Zack actually thought it was a false alarm and didn't see the need in going to the hospital with me (I made him).

At the hospital, the first person I saw was my doctor.  She asked why I was there, and I told her that I thought my water had broken.  They admitted me to a room, and sure enough, I was right!  At that point, I was about three centimeters dilated and the contractions were a breeze.  Shortly after seeing the doctor, a nurse came in to give me an IV.  She blew my vein....and I almost cried.  I made Zack hold my hand as she put the IV on the other side (I had seen blood GUSHING out of my arm!)  Thanks to her, that check every fifteen minute blood pressure cuff hurt like hell fire!

Once the IV was in, it was a waiting game.  We had arrived at the hospital about 11 AM, and nothing big happened until I received the epidural.  My contractions had begun to really hurt...I mean, really.  When the anesthesiologist finished administering the epidural, Tripp's heart rate dropped.  No one really said much, but I could tell from the sheer volume of nurses coming into my room that something was wrong.  Because of that, I had to lay on my left side and not move, or his heart rate would drop again.  That terrified me, and I spent the rest of labor watching his heart monitor.

Sometime after 7, my doctor returned.  She checked me and told me that I was about 8 cm dilated and she would return after she made a few phone calls.  By the time she made it back, I was at 10, and it was time to push.  Thanks to the epidural, I wasn't in any pain, but I could feel when a contraction came.  The pushing was difficult at first; it's like you have to learn how to do it right.  After the very first push, I kicked Zack out of the room (in all fairness, he didn't want to witness it, either).  The nurse asked if I wanted the  No, ma'am, there's no way in hell that I want to see was bad enough I had to witness the video in my childbirth class.

About forty five minutes after we started pushing, Tripp arrived.  He had been helped a little by forceps, but he made it safely!  And, when he came out, I immediately said, "Oh my God, that feels so good!"  And it does feel A-MAAAAA-ZING to finally get that out of you!  Your organs will thank you, I swear.

Aunt Scarlett, Uncle Damon, Stella and Cille had arrived around the same time my doctor showed back up, and they camped out in the waiting room with Zack and Ahmed.  Everyone was banished from my labor and delivery room (by me, of course)!!  After Tripp was born, Scarlett and Zack were allowed back to take pictures, and once Tripp was cleaned up, they gave him to Zack to give to me.  Tripp was so tiny and unbelievably beautiful...and as I looked at his sweet face, an emotion I'd never felt before hit me, and I started to cry because of how lucky I was.  Really, it was such an amazing feeling.

Luckily for everyone, Aunt Scarlett documented everything quite well.  So, without further ado, I announce the birth of Mohamed Paul "Tripp" Abudalghussa on October 14, 2011.  Tripp was 6 lbs. and 13 oz. and 19 inches long, and he is just perfection.

1 comment:

  1. Great posts! I have been trying not to nag you about this! I love him so much!
