Blogger Layouts

Monday, January 30, 2012

The chair

Next, it was on to the chair.  I converted the booster into a ghetto-fabulous bumbo seat by stuffing blankets on either side of Tripp.  This was by far not my best design ever, but it was done with relatively little thought on my part, so you really can't expect too much.  The important thing is, it worked, and I no longer had to sit with my hands hovering around his head (which was getting quite exhausting!)

Here's some of our fun.

I love how tiny Tripp's little feet are!

If you can't figure out how to get the toy to your mouth, bring your mouth to the toy...

Uh-oh...he's getting frustrated...get in his mouth already, toy!

He's actually just thrown his pacifier off the table...

Yay!  He figured it out!!

Nom, nom, nom, nom!

Apparently, this was worth the wait!

And obviously, red is the best flavor!

"Could you leave me to my chewing in peace?!"

My sweetie pie is making progress every day!  Tripp, you always make me proud!

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