Blogger Layouts

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

So many ways to play

Wednesday, we were still home with RSV.  That's just fine, cause Tripp and I had fun (between coughing, throwing up, know, the not fun stuff).

Here's Tripp showing off his ever-improving hand-eye coordination.

See?  I told you he really likes this toy...

Look at that dexterity!

Such manipulation!

Yeah!  Action shot! thing about Tripp, he loses interest quickly.  Looks like he's about over this right here.

Yep!  Guess that means it's time for....tummy time!

And, yes, that's a scratch right in the middle of the bottom of his nose.  Tripp's little nails can't take the blame on this one...I did that one, accidentally of course!  Mean Momma...I'm so sorry, Tripp!

Tripp, I'm sorry I scratched you, but, boy, am I having fun with you!

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