Blogger Layouts

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A New Journey: Announcing Tripp!

So, it's been several months since the last update on our crazy, beautiful lives.  In the time that Zack and I have been back in the US, a lot of things have happened.  For one, we found an adorable house in the River Bend area.  It's been perfect, with a great landlord, plenty of room for us and a great yard for the mutts to safely run around, acting like puppies again!  We both also started back to work, almost immediately.  Zack returned to Vieux Carre, and I found a great job half a block from him at the Inn on Bourbon.  I've loved every moment so far!  I've been blessed with great coworkers (and boss!), a full-time schedule and for once, decent checks!

Shortly after I began working (and by shortly, I mean about one week!) I experienced the most insane dream.  In the dream, a white elephant followed me wherever I went.  I woke up as the dream ended, and immediately knew what I had to do...I had to rush to a drug store and purchase a pregnancy test!  Being the economical shopper, I purchased the much cheaper two-pack.  It turned out, I wouldn't need two (though I used both, just to make sure!).  Basically, I touched the stick and got a positive sign.

Can you say shocked??  I was completely surprised...we had no idea, whatsoever!  First things first, I called Zack and told him that he was going to be a Daddy, which elicited a loud, long "Wooooohooooo!"

Now, parenthood is looming!  My due date is October 27, 2011, and I'm proud to say that we are having a sweet little boy.  His "official" name is Mohamed Paul Abudalghussa, after two of our favorite men ever, Zack's dad and my grandpa.  We only hope that Baby Abudalghussa will take after these two wonderful people!!  On an everyday basis, my little man will go by Tripp, nicknamed for Tripoli.  We decided on this nickname for a couple of reasons...first of all, we were in Tripoli when he was conceived.  And secondly, this is a wonderful time in Libyan history.  There is a transitional government that has finally reached and freed Tripoli!  How wonderful for Tripp, that when he gets to spend time with his father's family, it will be in a democratic country!

As the due date nears, my dear seester has been randomly showing up at my house with all kinds of goodies for Tripp.  Ever the planner, she even organized a small shower for family!  I'm lucky to have her, I know!  Unfortunately, Zack had to work on the evening of the celebration, but I enjoyed every moment with the other members of my sweet family.

Before the party got started, Grandpa got in some great cuddle time with Cille.

Aren't they cute??

Scarlett, Stella and Cille worked really hard on decorations.  What do you think of the fruits of their labor?

And, of course, after all that hard work, I had to pose with two of my favorite little girls ever!

Next on the agenda:  gift opening!  The best part of any party, wouldn't you say?

Cille was really excited to see what I got...

I caught some of the excitement, too, and made love to the camera a la Juanell...

Tripp got some really awesome stuff!

I'm happy to say that, thanks to the Bridges' family, Tripp will continue the family tradition of being a Hot Springs Alligator Farm lovin' baby
 Scarlett's gift was just perfect...we're going with a "safari" theme, since Tripp will probably be making frequent trips to and from Africa to spend time with the other wonderful half of our family!

No LSU here!  Tripp is a little Razorback, from birth!

Grandpa also shows that he really, really knows his grandchildren with this thoughtful gift...Thank You cards and stamps!  Now, I'm not saying they'll arrive in a timely manner, but I'm really trying to get motivated!

The thing I swore I'd never do.  This kid's already changing me!  Yes, I have a backpack baby, thanks to sweet Stella and Cille!

Mom got Tripp a squeaky toy!  Haha, just joking, Mom, I've only heard great things about Sophie's!  Apparently, this is the world's most famous teething toy...who knew?

After all of those gifts, I was a little tuckered out, so Cille helped unwrap the larger gifts.

And Damon helped cheer her on....

Eventually, the girls got distracted by the purse potential being wasted in so many gift bags.

Cille even tried to regift herself.

Grandpa and I took the opportunity to take a FANTASTIC family photo.

And FINALLY, it was time for cake!

Tripp, we can't wait to meet you!  Hurry up, already, kid!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo a new post. Great job, Sarah, I really enjoyed it. Love you and cannot wait for Tripp to get here.
