Blogger Layouts

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Express Yourself

Tripp has made some of the funniest faces since the day he was born, but lately he's had a little more control over them.  Yesterday and today, Tripp has been extremely happy while we've been playing, and today, I decided to take a few pictures to show off that baby boy.  The results were quite comical...

Tripp started out the shoot looking handsome, as always.

Then, he decided to try out his big, open-mouth smile...

It took a while of debating...

To decide on his next look...wonderment.

Tripp finds himself hilarious.

Still giggling.

Another pause to decide what's up next...

Eyebrow raise.  Definitely the eyebrow raise.

We're so funny!

Tuckered out from looking so good.

But still happy to oblige the camera.

"Oh, are you still here?"

I call this one...."confusion".  It's a pretty common theme in this family.

A kid grows in some eyebrows, he's gotta try 'em out.

There's not even words for how funny this one is.  Seriously.  This kid's a comedian.

Love that little funny face!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Daily Workouts

Since Tripp and I aren't able to go too many places yet, we tend to spend a lot of our time on the ground.  Tripp is awesome with tummy time!  Not once have I had to end tummy time because he was upset; instead, he looks around (he's holding his head up really well!) and scoots his little but all over his mat.  My sweet boy is getting to be so grown up!

He's cooing at me!

Quite obviously, enjoying this...

He scooted his diapered booty all the way across his play mat.  I'm so proud!

Look at how well that baby's been eating!

Of course, with a face like that, you've got to check yourself out in the mirror...

Such a cutie.

Tripp has such animated expressions.  See?

And here is a smile for Momma.

I love watching him grow!

One Month Old!

Tripp's one month birthday fell right after a Muslim holiday.  (The holiday celebrates Abraham's faithfulness to God.)  In celebration, Aunt Heba wanted to send Tripp a gift, and his gym is what we ended up picking.  Tripp has really enjoyed playing in it, although you can't tell from these pictures on his one month birthday.

I really love this next can almost see his bottom lip shaking!

"Moooooommmmmm!  I don't like this!!!!!!"

Poor baby boy.  This was, needless to say, a pretty quick photo shoot.

Sweeter than Candy

Since Tripp was only two weeks old for his first Halloween, he was sadly left out of all trick-or-treating festivities.  But, to make sure that he didn't feel left out, Aunt Scarlett and I dressed him up in his costume and took pictures.  It's probably a good thing we skipped the trick-or-treating, too, because it turns out that looking so handsome can be exhausting, and Tripp slept through most of his photo shoot.

Since Tripp wasn't too concerned with the being in the spotlight, I decided to join him.

He really enjoyed soaking up the LaPlace sunshine!

And I enjoyed stealing sugar!

Already embarrassed that his mother is kissing him in public...what am I in for??

Finally!  He seemed to be ok with this one...

Yes, I am one proud momma!

My sweet angel, dressed as a little monster...

I hope everyone's Halloween was half as sweet as my little man!

Weekend Tripp's

When Tripp was a week old, he started taking weekly visits to Aunt Scarlett and Uncle Damon's house so that Mommy could get a little rest.  

Luckily for me, Uncle Damon and the girls were more than happy to snuggle up with the baby boy and keep him content.

After his first round of snuggling, he was fitted more appropriately to his car seat...just in case.

Cuddling can really wear a guy out...

Cille looks a little less than enthused here because no one will let her get close enough to the sweet little man.

After my first night of decent rest, I couldn't wait to curl up with my sweetie.

Stella couldn't wait, either.  Isn't she just beautiful?  I hope she's a sweeter cousin to Tripp than Scarlett and I were to Tres...we won't be telling her those stories.

Tripp decided that Uncle Damon is a pretty nice pillow, so he made sure to hang out with him some more before heading home.

On our second weekend trip, Grandma Tonie was down south for her annual Halloween visit.

She really enjoyed keeping Tripp all to herself...

We skipped photos on the third week, so here, Tripp is one month old.  Cille's getting a little closer each time...that sneaky girl!

I could just look at that face all day.  Oh, wait, I do!

By the time Tripp was five weeks, Cille decided we weren't taking enough pictures, and documented our visit on her mom's iPhone.

She quickly realized Tripp was an unwilling participant, and moved on to capture Stella's beauty.

Secretly, when Tripp is sleeping and I'm oddly enough not tired, I look at all of his pictures over and over.  I can't get over how sweet and handsome my little boy is.  Zack and I are truly blessed to have been entrusted with such a precious gift from God!