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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bouncers rock

Tripp's almost too big for his bouncer, but he still likes to hang out in it.

Here he is, contemplating hands...

He's decided he likes them.

It's gotten hard to get good pictures in the bouncer, because Tripp LOVES kicking his feet, resulting in lots of...bouncing, what else?

Once the bouncer slows down some, this is usually the look on his sweet face!

I could not love this little guy any more!

He sure knows how to make a girl feel special!

I hope he thinks his momma knows how to make a guy feel special, too.

Poor guy...the toys entertain him for about three minutes, and then they're frustrating.  They just won't go in his mouth!!

Unfortunately, Tripp's going to have to say so long to the bouncer very soon.  Our entire family is a little saddened by this farewell, but I'm sure Tripp will enjoy all the sweet new baby gear I'm planning for him!

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