Blogger Layouts

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What daddies are for

If you didn't know, neither one of my child-care schemes fell into place all that neatly, but as it turns out, Daddy's quite the caregiver.  This is fantastic news, since Zack can watch Tripp while I'm working.  Positives:  Daddy and Tripp get lots of one-on-one time; Tripp's at home where he belongs; child-care costs are zero!  Negatives: I would really, really, REALLY love to be the parent that gets to hang out with this kid all day!

The great thing is, Zack is bonding with Tripp every day.  It's amazing to come home and see my two men cuddled up together, and it's a great feeling when they're so happy to see me again!

And why did God give daddies to little boys?  To teach them how to be big, strong men, of course!  Zack's already started on Tripp's training.  Here he is, teaching my almost-four-month-old how to walk!

Tripp's so strong!  He will stand up just holding on to one of my fingers now.  This nosy child is definitely mine...he already wants to know everything about everything!  I sense trouble down the road with his inquisitive nature.

And when you get tired of standing, Daddy's always there with a lap waiting.  It's not as comfortable as Momma's, of course, but that's just because it's not as soft.

This picture is hilarious.  They have identical expressions!

Yes, Daddy, I think Tripp loves you, too.

Just melts your heart, doesn't it?

Tripp is actually taking steps here!  I'm cheering for him, which is why Tripp rewarded me with this big, handsome smile!

Bravo, Tripp!  You'll be mobile in no time!

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