Blogger Layouts

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nanny dog

Punk, as expected, is a wonderful nanny dog, who would probably never let Tripp fly away with Peter Pan (if she does, she's fired).  Scarlett, if you think trying to get two kids to look at the camera at the same time is hard, try it with a kid and a dog that hates cameras!

Even though they didn't take many good pictures together, here's two of my babies...the real one and a furry one! (Jinn is the brief blur of black in the background.)

Punk truly believes Tripp is petting her, and she is really loving it!  Every time Zack would move his hand, Punk would try to snuggle back up to Tripp.

Oh, did I mention Tripp's been looking at his feet a lot lately?  He hasn't figured out how to get them to his mouth yet, but they can provide a bit of entertainment, especially when he's wiggling his toes.

Ha!  Got you both!

Short-lived, wasn't it?

This is a horrible picture of Tripp, but I love Punk's expression.  "Back up off my baby, fool."

Hey, Tripp, I'm over here!  Gosh, Punk is so stoic!  At her age, I guess she's more of Tripp's puppy Grandma.

And the picture I'm sure will cause some shock with a few people...Punk sealing it with a kiss dead on the lips!  Oddly enough, Daddy didn't freak out.  He actually laughed!

Yes, thank you, my babies are quite beautiful!

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