Blogger Layouts

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Funny face

If you haven't noticed by now, Tripp is a very expressive little boy.  Check it out!

He's not quite sure here if he's into this photo shoot, but he's trying for his Momma!

Hehe!  Okay, it's not so bad!

Tripp loves making people laugh!

Looka those lips!

"Uhhh, what?"

Okay, I'll have to remember not to make that voice again!

"Mom.  Are we done yet?"

I love his cute little double chin!

And this is a look straight from his Grandpa Abudalghussa!  Looking like a little man!

Tripp, all of your faces are simply adorable!  Keep it up, little guy!

Monday, January 30, 2012

The chair

Next, it was on to the chair.  I converted the booster into a ghetto-fabulous bumbo seat by stuffing blankets on either side of Tripp.  This was by far not my best design ever, but it was done with relatively little thought on my part, so you really can't expect too much.  The important thing is, it worked, and I no longer had to sit with my hands hovering around his head (which was getting quite exhausting!)

Here's some of our fun.

I love how tiny Tripp's little feet are!

If you can't figure out how to get the toy to your mouth, bring your mouth to the toy...

Uh-oh...he's getting frustrated...get in his mouth already, toy!

He's actually just thrown his pacifier off the table...

Yay!  He figured it out!!

Nom, nom, nom, nom!

Apparently, this was worth the wait!

And obviously, red is the best flavor!

"Could you leave me to my chewing in peace?!"

My sweetie pie is making progress every day!  Tripp, you always make me proud!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

You are my sunshine

Here's the many sunny faces of Tripp...

There's at least twenty more pictures from this same day with big smiles like these, and countless others from previous days.  My sweet baby is such a happy boy!!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Momma's boy

I was given a three day weekend this past work week, so Monday, there was more fun for me and Tripp.  Tripp is pretty much exclusively in 3-6 month clothing now, so we tried out one of his new outfits for our playtime.  Isn't it fitting?

After he modeled his "Property of Mom" outfit, Tripp was (as usual) ready to play.  I think he's telling me that I'm not entertaining him enough in this shot.

Cute kid, from any angle, wouldn't you say?

There's that sunny smile!

Tripp's Sophie has been named Gerty Giraffe.  Here, Tripp and Gerty seem locked in a staring contest.

I wonder who's winning?

I guess Tripp gave up and showed his displeasure by sticking his tongue out at her...attaboy, Tripp!

I know, impressive!

More of our three day weekend soon!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Super Sunday, part 5: For Aunt Scarlett

This past Christmas, Aunt Scarlett gave Tripp an adorable shirt that demonstrates her intense love...of herself.  But, that's just fine with Tripp, because she may be his third favorite person after Mom and Dad!  After Tripp's big day, he spit up a tremendous amount of milk on his onesie, so I decided it was time to try on his new time like the present, right?  As is typical, Tripp was more adorable than any baby on a diaper box or a formula ad by far!

He looks tickled pink to be modeling both his "My Aunt is SUPER RAD" shirt and his snazzy Gap jeans.

Although, he was pretty determined at first to hide the wording on his shirt...

Now, a BIG smile, just for Aunt Scarlett!  "I love you, Aunt Scarlett!!!!"

Navy's a great color on Tripp!

It makes me happy to see him so happy!

I just love his eyes in this picture...and I can tell you from experience, his little fingers are quite yummy, if you can't tell.

Tripp took a break to show off his, milk belly.

Then, another visit to the walker.

Which apparently never fails to entertain!

Can't you just see those wheels turning?

Tripp's figured out how to get the music to play...what he hasn't figured out is how to make it stop, and he finds this pretty too, kid!

Cutie patootie!

Phew!  We had a fun, but LONG day!  Tripp, thank you for sharing your super Sunday with me!  Next Sunday...same time, same place?