Blogger Layouts

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Just because

Saturday after my mad rush around town to do the grocery shopping and fill the gas tank, Tripp and I relaxed.  I'm a little disappointed with this first would have been great if I had actually gotten it centered.  That's what happens when you are just snapping pictures and not looking at the screen, I guess!

Tripp's so cute!  And he just loves using Bear as a pillow.

He's getting more handsome each day, don't you think?


Tripp found a new playmate!  Actually, this is Daddy's playmate, Hussain, who just so happens to really like kids.

I love this shot!!  Wish it wasn't so blurry, though!  Daddy stuffed this huge pillow behind Tripp while he was in his walker as a security measure, since Tripp's got great head control, but only about 90% of the time.  Lately, Tripp really wants to stand; he hates lying down and is fussy until you sit or stand him where he can see what's going on.  I think his brain is growing up faster than his body.

Here's what he looks like below the walker!  Just barely touching the ground, and this is on the shortest setting!  Ignore the snags in the rug, Punk's nails get stuck in the carpet and leave these all over the place!

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