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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Momma's boy

I was given a three day weekend this past work week, so Monday, there was more fun for me and Tripp.  Tripp is pretty much exclusively in 3-6 month clothing now, so we tried out one of his new outfits for our playtime.  Isn't it fitting?

After he modeled his "Property of Mom" outfit, Tripp was (as usual) ready to play.  I think he's telling me that I'm not entertaining him enough in this shot.

Cute kid, from any angle, wouldn't you say?

There's that sunny smile!

Tripp's Sophie has been named Gerty Giraffe.  Here, Tripp and Gerty seem locked in a staring contest.

I wonder who's winning?

I guess Tripp gave up and showed his displeasure by sticking his tongue out at her...attaboy, Tripp!

I know, impressive!

More of our three day weekend soon!

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