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Sunday, January 15, 2012

I'm so sick

Monday, Tripp went to see his doctor because his coughing had been steadily increasing.  I'll save you the detailed story, but let's just say a negligent mother at his daycare brought her child in with "a cough and sniffles, but no fever".  This mother also works at a hospital, and should therefore know that we are smack in the middle of RSV season and children don't always run fevers if they contract it.

Sure enough, Tripp's doctor confirmed my sweet little boy has RSV, for which there is no medical treatment.  His illness has been a constant source of terror for's scary because there's nothing I can do besides watch him and pray.  I know that he is in God's care, not just mine, but I still worry, and I'm still upset that someone would knowingly bring a sick baby around other children.

The good news out of all this is that Tripp is a trooper.  He's been a little more fussy than normal, but he's pretty content as long as he's in Momma's arms (which is pretty much fine by me!).  Other than a projectile vomiting episode today (he got me and basically half the house) and scary-sounding wheezing when he gets excited, this has pretty much been the scene at our house....

Wow!  Not only has God blessed us with one of the sweetest, most beautiful babies in existence, he's also given us a child that is happy ALL THE TIME!

There's just no words for how much Tripp means to me and Zack!  All we can do is thank God with every breath for bringing this sweet little man into our lives.

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