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Monday, January 23, 2012

Super Sunday, part 1

Since the Saints are no longer in the running for the Super Bowl (this year!), I don't feel bad in calling this past Sunday super.  We literally had a blast all day long, and in between all the fun, found time for some much needed naps!  Super Sunday actually began Saturday night in the rumpus room (this is what I now call the living room, where Daddy and his friends play video games, watch TV and chow down on various sugary snacks).  Here's Tripp wondering what in the heck Daddy and Hussain are talking about...that's not English!

By 6:30 AM, Tripp was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (unlike the no-flash having blogger camera!)

As the sun kept climbing, Tripp became more interested in his toys.

He really enjoys this ladybug's crinkly wings!

He also digs on his music player...I think he enjoys the lights the most.

"Yeah, Mom, I'm still playing here..."

I swear, watching Tripp these days is seriously like seeing his brain in motion.  You can see him figuring things out, like which toy does what.  It's amazing to see!

We also are trying a new pacifier out.  This one can't fall out of his mouth as easily, which is great.  Tripp gets really frustrated when he looses his paci!

"Oh, hey, Daddy!  Nice to see you!"

Even though Daddy came in, Tripp still only has eyes for Momma...yay me!  I'm the favorite!

Tripp decided that since the wings sounded so nice, they must taste nice, too.  I wonder what crinkly tastes like?

"It's ok.  Not that good."

Sheesh, this is a lot of pictures!  But let's be honest, Tripp is so cute that more is always better...if only I could keep up the witty commentary...

If you're wondering, the boppy is there so Tripp doesn't slam his head back in a moment of excitement...his head control is great, but not quite 100% yet.

Ignacius popped in to say hi!  Hi, Ignacius!

So, there's the first hour of our Super Sunday...stay tuned for more unbelievable at-home fun soon!

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