Blogger Layouts

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Aaaah! Real Monster...

Yesterday, I decided to dress Tripp up in his Halloween outfit again, since I'm positive he won't have too many more opportunities to play in it.  It fit him much better this time, as he's doubled in size since he first wore it.

His little face looks so round in this!

It must have been warm and cozy, as Tripp started nodding off.

Tripp's also been sucking on his hands a lot.  He has been trying out some self-soothing this way, and doesn't exclusively do it when he's hungry.  I'm expecting him to realize they're attached to him very soon.

From sleepy to playful in about ten seconds flat!

Tripp, you're the sweetest monster I've ever seen!  I'll never be scared of monsters again!

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