Blogger Layouts

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Good morning, Sunshine!

Big news on the Tripp front!  Up until this point, Tripp has been sleeping solely on my chest or in my arms as we snooze in the recliner.  It's so nice to cuddle up with my baby boy, but it's been tiring;  I am never fully asleep, as I'm constantly worried that he's going to try to roll out of my arms.  Last night, for the first time ever, Tripp slept a portion of the night in his crib!  It was altogether about five or six hours, with two feedings thrown in, but he's making big progress, don't you think?  There were a couple times that he started to get a little upset, but nothing that his pacifier didn't fix.

This morning, Tripp had completely thrown aside his fussy demeanor from the past couple of days, and rewarded all my sleeplessness with an extremely happy morning session in his bouncer.

Here's the many beautiful smiles of Tripp!

I know it looks like he's getting upset here, but this is actually a happy face.

He's mimicking me!  And finding it hilarious, too!

Momma stopped being so funny, but luckily the elephant, zebra and lion up above were still fun!

See?  Hours of entertainment!

Sigh.  This little boy is beautiful!

Tripp swipes at the toys now, and actually hits them quite a bit.  I'm not sure if he's connected the fact that he's actually accomplishing this, but he sure enjoys watching them swing back and forth!

I also got a couple non-smiling shots that just showcased his handsome face.  I know you want to see those, as well, so of course I included them!

Well, there's a small smile in this one...


That's a shadow on his face...

Tripp is just the most handsome little man!  Also, note his outfit, which was a present from Grandma Norea in Libya.  Tripp looks adorable in it, and can't wait to meet his family overseas!

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