Blogger Layouts

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Monday, after Tripp's bath, I realized two things.  First of all, it was delightfully warm, perfect weather; and also that Tripp would now fit into a cute little onesie I had gotten him on sale ($2...I can't turn down a good deal!)  I had hoped he would be able to wear it a bit longer before the cold came to stay, but since he was so tiny when he was born, it isn't looking good for this outfit.

So, to document how adorable he looked in it, I took pictures (of course!)  I really got this outfit for Daddy, since he loves soccer, as all good foreigners do.

I also realized a third thing...Tripp wasn't too into the camera.  But, like the good mother I am, I forced him to act like he liked it.


Here is the actual outfit.  Tripp is #28.  Judging from that gut, I'd say he'll be riding the pine for now.

We started out in the gym,

where he did not cooperate.

Until this picture, which he somehow must have sensed wouldn't turn out...


Once we moved to the recliner...well, he still wasn't feeling it.

Finally putting forth a little effort.

I did say a little effort; obviously, not a lot.

Look at those lips!!  Aren't they just the sweetest?!

One of my favorite things in the world is holding hands with my sweetheart.

"Stop it already!  That's enough!!"

When Tripp gave me this look of utter exasperation, I put away the camera.  Poor little guy, no privacy whatsoever!

Hopefully, I'll be able to post some happier pictures soon!

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