Blogger Layouts

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Soaking up the...rain clouds

Yesterday was such a warm day that I decided it was time for Tripp to enjoy the great outdoors.  We only ventured to the front yard (the back is still in dreadful need of a mowing!), but he seemed pretty content.  Unfortunately, there wasn't much sunlight, as there was a pretty ominous gathering of rain clouds in our neighborhood.  After about a half hour of enjoying the view, a few small drops of rain began to fall, so Tripp was banished back to his nursery.  Before that happened, I made sure to take some pictures! Of course!

Tripp's two furry friends wanted to make sure that his area was safe.  I have to say, Punk and Jinn have taken everything in stride.  They seem genuinely concerned for Tripp, without a hint of jealousy!  Usually I brag about how amazing Tripp is here, but I have to give credit where it's due.  Punk and Jinn are truly two amazing puppies, and I can't wait for Tripp to get a little older.  I know they're going to all be great friends!

It's cool.  Everything checks out here...

Are you okay, Tripp?  Just making sure.

After the girls made sure the area was safe, Tripp was free to enjoy his outing.

And enjoy it he did!

His entire adventure was full of smiles!

We'll have to make it outside more often!  Come on, south Louisiana!  Send me some warm weather for this boy!

Oh, yeah...Tripp's two months old today!  Time is just flying by!

This is about the best picture Tripp and I took, which is pretty sad.  The awesome thing?  We now have matching double chins and pudgy cheeks!  Who says he don't look like Momma?

Tripp, I love adventures with you!

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