Blogger Layouts

Friday, December 9, 2011

Irresistible Cuteness

Things have been pretty uneventful around here these days.  It's been absolutely freezing outside, so Tripp and I have been staying in at an attempt to keep warm!  Unfortunately, there's not a lot to do or see in our house, since it is your typical New Orleans shotgun and pretty small.  Fortunately, however, Tripp is stinkin' cute, so the blog can continue!

Tripp started out the morning bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in his gym.

After a decent amount of time on his tummy, he decided things looked more interesting from his back.  Looks like something got his attention...

Later in the day, it was back on his tummy!  He decided to focus on picking up his butt this time, instead of his head.

Then, Tripp was all Momma's baby!  I stole lots of sweet kisses from my little man!

See how happy his sugar makes me?  My sugar, on the other hand, grosses Tripp out.

Kisses make Tripp sleepy, as you can tell from his huge yawn.  Please ignore the mountain of clothes in the back.

After nap time, Tripp was much happier!

Such a handsome boy.


I'm a pretty entertaining mom, if you can't tell!

Or maybe not so entertaining.

Now, Tripp and I are off to Aunt Scarlett and Uncle Damon's for our weekly visit!  Yay to sleep!

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