Blogger Layouts

Monday, December 12, 2011

Taking crying to the MAXXXXX!!! (with Daddy)

Remember how I told you yesterday about a child's peak crying period?  If you do, then you remember that Tripp is trapped in this time warp right now.  No, not poor kid...poor me!

Anyway, here's the photographic evidence that my little man just loves giving Mom and Dad a hard time.

"Whyyyy did you put meeee in my gyyyyyyym????  Whyyyyyyyyy???"

"Whyyyyyy are you taking pictures of this???????  What's wrong with you, Mooooommmmmmm????"

I'm absolutely tickled that Tripp is freaking out like this in pictures with his dad.  Usually, if Tripp is upset and Zack picks him up, he calms down.  That's really frustrating, because I guess I've got some left-over pregnant hormones that are upping my emotions...and, well, I get my wittle feewings hurt when other people can calm Tripp down and I can't.  I probably shouldn't relish the fact that Tripp now screams, not just for me, but for anyone in the general I said, I probably shouldn't, but I do!

It's okay, kid, we'll get through this.

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