Blogger Layouts

Sunday, December 11, 2011

What is going on with this kid?!

Tripp, as we all know and obviously agree to, is the cutest kid that has ever opened his eyes on this world.  No one can deny that!  To showcase his cuteness, Tripp has been giving me some of the most amazing little baby smiles EVER.  Seriously, he will smile non-stop for at least three hours a day!

The bad news?  Well, I'm not sure if you've heard, but there is a universal phenomenon among human babies.  Since Tripp is decidedly a human baby, this unfortunately applies to him.  What is this craziness, you ask?  Well, apparently, all babies have a "peak" crying period in their lives.  The interesting thing is that it happens at exactly the same week in a child's life...not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of conception.

Since most babies are born at 40 weeks, the average peak crying period is six weeks.  Since Tripp couldn't wait to meet his Mommy and Daddy, he was born at 38 weeks, meaning (drumroll please):  Tripp, now eight weeks old, is smack in the middle of his really fussy stage.  And guess what?  I'm totally sold on this being factual.  When Tripp's not charming everyone around (okay, that would be me, Zack and the pups), or sleeping cuter than any other kid can sleep, he's screaming and wailing and absolutely inconsolable.

Sheesh, Tripp.  Am I glad this doesn't last forever!  Come on, week 9!!!

Here's Tripp in some happier moments.

Tripp was practicing his karate in these two.  He's going to be a black belt in no time!

That's his "I'm about to unleash the most beautiful smile on earth" look.

This is his, "I hear ya, Mom, but that ceiling fan is what really tickles my fancy".

I don't know why, but I always tell Tripp I'm going to eat his little face.  Then I tell him, "Get in ma beeeelllllyyyyyyy!"  I've never before practiced cannibalism, and I'm not keen on the idea now...but, whatever, it gets this kid giggling.

No pictures of fussy baby for now!  But don't worry, with our new-found love of crying for absolutely no reason, evidence of this world-wide phenomenon will surface soon.

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